Monday, March 5, 2012

Daylight - The Story of Obama and Israel

Daylight - The Story of Obama and Israel

March 4, 2012,

A few weeks ago the Obama administration put out a video extolling Obama's record on Israel. They took excerpts from speeches by Israeli leaders praising Obama and used them as proof that Israelis view Obama is a great friend of the Jewish state.

On the whole it was an obscene production. What can Binyamin Netanyahu or any other Israeli official say other than that Obama is a great friend of Israel? We have to face the dismal fact that Obama may remain in the White House until 2017. No Israeli official can afford to say openly what they think of this man.

While Israel's leaders cannot say the truth about Obama, American Jewish groups can say the truth. Unfortunately, since the majority of American Jewish leaders are more concerned about maintaining their liberal bonafides than defending Israel, the voices opposing Obama's hateful treatment of the US's most vital ally in the Middle East have emanated mainly from the underfunded margins of the American Jewish community.

Ahead of the 2010 elections, in a bid to ensure that Obama's animosity towards Israel is exposed for all to see, Bill Kristol, Gary Bauer and Rachel Abrams formed the Emergency Committee for Israel. A Super Pac, ECI is permitted to run political ads. They did this effectively in the special congressional election in New York's 9th Congressional District last September.

ECI's ads played a significant role in making Obama's record on Israel a major issue in the race in the heavily Jewish district. As a consequence, the traditionally Democrat Jewish vote went to the Republican candidate Bob Turner over the Jewish pro-Obama Democrat Dave Weprin. By most accounts, it was the flip in the Jewish vote that won Turner the election.

This week, the ECI is at it again. The day before Obama is scheduled to give a fraudulent, saccharine, speech at the AIPAC conference in which he congratulates himself for not yet ending the US's military cooperation with Israel and refers to himself repeatedly as Israel's greatest friend ever, ECI released a new half hour video documenting Obama's actual record on Israel. It is a must see video for all American Jews who consider themselves pro-Israel, (that would be almost all American Jews), and a must see video for all Americans for whom Israel is a voting issue.

Please disseminate this video far and wide.

Posted on March 4, 2012

© 2012 Caroline Glick

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