Just a fast summary of
this week's events in Egypt.
As we sit back and observe the
Egyptian army making mass arrests of the Islamofascists from the Muslim
Brotherhood, possibly even taking some of them out back and shooting them, while
army commanders now in power are warning the country about the dangers of
allowing Islamists into the corridors of government, while the Hamas loses it
main power base and support network (the Hamas has long been little more than an
appendage of the Muslim Brotherhood), the Middle East is looking lovelier than
it has in quite a long time.
And I think the entire
situation can be summed up with a very slight adaptation of that old classic
song from the early 1940s called Mairzy Dotes (you can see it performed on
Lawrence Welk here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dny_JDlwGFM , and another rendition
here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpiUDODpeno )
The original song and lyrics are
Doats http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mairzy_Doats
Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?
really means:
Ready for
the commentary on Egypt? Called Morsi Dotes. Here
Morsi's goats, Islamic dotes,
Jihadist party Slithy.
In prison now eating ivy, oh boo
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