Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 8, Sept. 21st, 2010

You need to be Jewish to understand why are they so emotional and sensitive lots of issues, one of my first encounters with this sense of, This Land is mine, I got it in 1997, the purpose of my journey here when I was still living in Lima ?, this is the matter of another chapter but the fact is that we came in December, when my whole life it was the festivity of others I had to witness and for the first time in my life it was not Christmas but Janukah, the glorious festivity of Janukah, the only festivity on the bible where Jews took the matter into their hands and decided to fight and not to serve or cry........getting into a mall and listening to Janukah songs instead of Carols, by the way, the most famous one, was composed by a Jew, Irwing Berlin !! was amazing, awesome, almost a spiritual moment and today, now in Israel, My festivities are the one and only and today I came home to 4 Sukots built in front of the house where for one week we will forget whom we are and be just the One as our next neighbour in humility, eating inside this very simple cabins with no roof to watch the sky and stars and remain humble and remember when we ate in the dessert a people without a Land. Israel is the everyday country where you curse, you laugh, you enjoy, you get mad and so forth and the one important side of My Country Is simply that, it is Mine, my roots and identity, my being and my dreams ........The Place I call Home.

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